Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nose and Sinus Conditions

Alternative medical therapy can be beneficial as an adjunct to standard "Western" medical approaches, and patients are welcome to explore these options. The National Institutes of Health Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) provides a wealth of information on their website.

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Nasal mucosa | What are the functions of the nose and sinuses? | Sinusitis expert, Dr. Thomas Higgins, in Louisville, Kentucky explains the anatomy of the nose and sinuses.

Herbal Remedies

Certain natural herbs and vitamins have been shown to help allieve nose and sinus symptoms. (Please note: It is important to inform your physician(s) of any herbal remedies you are taking as some can have adverse effects and can interfer with other medications.) A booklet from the NCCAM called "Herbs at a Glance" contains a summary of commonly used herbs. A short list of the most commonly recommended herbs and vitamins for nose and sinus conditions include (with links to more comprehensive information):

  • For Colds: Oral zinc (not intranasal zinc), vitamin C, echinacea, probiotics.
  • For Nose Allergies: Butterbur.
  • For Headaches: Riboflavin, coenzyme Q10, magnesium, feverfew, butterbur.
  • For Sore Throats: Sage


Some physicians and nonphysician practitioners perform accupuncture for a variety of conditions, and recent clinical studies have demonstrated benefit using accupuncture for some nose and sinus conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized accupuncture as a therapy for several conditions, including acute sinusitis, acute rhinitis, the common cold, migraine,headache, and trigeminal neuralgia. The American Academy of Medical Accupuncture is the governing body for board certification in medical accupuncture. Their website provides useful information about accupuncture.

Nasal mucosa | What are the functions of the nose and sinuses? | Sinusitis expert, Dr. Thomas Higgins, in Louisville, Kentucky explains the anatomy of the nose and sinuses.
Nasal mucosa | What are the functions of the nose and sinuses? | Sinusitis expert, Dr. Thomas Higgins, in Louisville, Kentucky explains the anatomy of the nose and sinuses.


Massage has been performed for thousands of years. Scientific research is limited at this time, but there is evidence for its effectiveness in certain conditions, especially pain-related issues. Massage is overall safe when one considers certain precautions (Click Here).

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There are many other complementary and alternative medicinal options, including meditation, yoga, deep-breathing exercises, tai chi, hypnotherapy, and others. An overview discussion of some of these therapies can be found here

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